In addition to cellular images, Ling Pui Sze also gathers microscopic, scanning, and satellite images depicting the various states (liquid, gaseous, and solid) of water, another essential constituent of life, in order to fashion new organisms. Even as the images fragment, they also give rise to new life. The process of life in nature is akin to the process of collage, where the canvas serves as a vessel for the decomposition and fusion of diverse elements. |
除了細胞圖像,凌佩詩亦收集了構成生命的另一元素-水的各種形態(液態、氣態、固態)的顯微鏡、掃描器及衛星圖像,以創造新生物,儘管圖像在分解時,同時也在重生。自然界中生命的過程與拼貼過程相似,畫布只是各種元素分解與融合的載體。 |
Form 1 | 形態一, 2013, mixed media on canvas, 244 x 122 cm
Form 2 | 形態二, 2013, mixed media on canvas, 120 x 120 cm
Form 3 | 形態三, 2013, mixed media on canvas, 120 x 120 cm
Form 5 | 形態五, 2013, mixed media on canvas, 120 x 120 cm
Form 6 | 形態六, 2013, mixed media on canvas, 197 x 244 cm
Form 7 | 形態七, 2013, mixed media on canvas, 122 x 487 cm
Form 8 | 形態八, 2020, mixed media on canvas, 27 x 27 cm
Copyright © Ling Pui Sze 凌佩詩