迷 者
Animals have moments of confusion too. The Strayer series focuses on animals in distress or getting lost. When a collection of rats is crammed in a confined living space, their tails will be intertwined and woven together, a phenomenon known as the ‘Rat King’. The entangled rats will grow together until they die. Since the outbreak of the pandemic in 2019 and the implementation of quarantine measures in Hong Kong and the rest of the world, Ling has begun to work on Strayer 1, a collage of microscopic cell images of rats with hand-painted lines, in order to capture these three years of confusion and disorientation. |
動物也有迷惘的時刻。《迷者》系列聚焦在困境中或迷途中的動物。凌佩詩發現有一種名為「鼠王」的現象,是指當多隻老鼠共同生活在一個狹窄空間,尾巴便會打結糾纏在一起,並自此共同生長直至死亡。自從 2019年新冠疫情爆發,香 港及世界各地實施隔離,她便開始創作《 迷者 一》,以老鼠的顯微鏡細胞圖像作拼貼,再加上手繪的線條,藉此勾勒這三年與困惑和迷茫糾纏的狀態。 |
Copyright © Ling Pui Sze 凌佩詩