Inspired by the 1972 science-fiction film of the same name, the "Solaris" series explores the power of memories and experiences. "Solaris 1" is an installation work composed of 6 paper sculpture pieces, with the surface collaged with ink-printed microscopic images of human brain cells on Xuan paper. This installation evokes the barnacles that attach to animals such as whales. Although barnacles are not parasitic, they can reproduce on their own and become part of the host animal's body, much like memories that take root in the human mind and can be difficult to let go of. "Solaris 2" is an installation work made up of 39 paper sculpture pieces, also with the surface collaged with ink-printed microscopic images of human brain cells on Xuan paper. This work presents the process of retrogressive metamorphosis in sea squirts. The larval stage of sea squirts is more advanced than the adult form, as they transform from free-swimming chordates into sessile animals. Just as memories can be shaped, sea squirts sacrifice the complex parts of their bodies in order to adopt a simpler mode of survival. "Solaris 3" is a sculptural work made of cable ties. It simulates the form of a caterpillar after being parasitized by a wasp, where the wasp larvae have consumed the caterpillar's insides, leaving only the empty shell. This evokes how external, disruptive memories can become superimposed upon one's true memories, ultimately leading to a loss of self. |
靈感源自1972年同名科幻電影《Solaris》,這系列探索了人的記憶和經歷的力量。 《Solaris 1》是由6件紙紮雕塑組成的裝置作品,表面以宣紙拼貼墨水印刷的顯微人腦細胞影像。這裝置附著在鯨魚等動物身上的藤壺。雖然藤壺並非寄生生物,卻能自行繁衍,並成為宿主動物身體的一部分, 就如記憶一般,一旦植根在心中也可能根深蒂固,難以遺忘。 《Solaris 2》是由39件紙紮雕塑組成的裝置作品,同樣表面以宣紙拼貼墨水印刷的顯微人腦細胞影像。這件作品呈現了海鞘的倒退變態過程。海鞘幼體比成體更為高級,因為它們在經歷幼體期後,會從自由游泳的脊索動物變為固著性動物, 就如記憶般,海鞘為了採取更簡單的生存方式,退化了身體複雜的部份。 《Solaris 3》是由索帶織成的雕塑, 作品模擬毛蟲被寄生蜂在體內產卵後, 寄生蜂幼蟲吃掉毛蟲後只剩軀殼的形態, 如同外界強加的錯亂記憶, 可以混淆了真實記憶, 最後迷失自我。 |
Solaris 3, 2020, cable tie, dimensions variable
Solaris 2, 2019, steel wire, aluminium foil and paper, dimensions variable
Solaris 1, 2019, bamboo stick and paper, dimensions variable
Copyright © Ling Pui Sze 凌佩詩